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December 06, 2006

The Kokotoni Project Official Calendar

I've recently added a new product to the website, in addition to the catalog and the books. I finished up the 14-month calendar, which turned out very nice.

To see a PDF file, Click Here [10.6 MB].

You can also buy it directly from the publisher. It's $15.99 plus shipping. Keep in mind that if you do so, make sure to choose "Media Mail" as your choice for shipping--it's the slowest, but it's pretty cheap.

Until later, keep safe.

December 04, 2006

The Kokotoni Project

So, I've been busy.

First, I had the three books mentioned before printed, and they turned out sweet. The printing is very professional, I'm very pleased with them.

Following this, I finished a catalog [72 MB] with lots of products to peruse. Basically, the items are based around the photos I took in Kenya. You can buy coffee cups and lots of other products with your favorite shots. You pay for them at cost, and then you have the option, which is obviously the point, to donate money to one of three projects that we're trying to set up in Kenya.

I couldn't leave it at that, though. I put together a website that pretty much sums it all up. Click Here to see the website. We were trying to come up with a snappy name in Swahili for the organization, but since there wasn't much time and we weren't having much success, I just went ahead with the name The Kokotoni Project. That name may only stick as the title of the catalog and subsequent projects involved, if we later come up with something good in Swahili. In the meantime, it's The Kokotoni Project.

So, the website goes through the mission of the organization, describes the three projects currently being sponsored, and even has a product page. You can download the catalog there, or even purchase a hardcopy directly from the publisher should you want to do that. In addition, you can purchase a copy of any of the three books. I want to put the whole catalog there eventually, as soon as I can figure out how to do it through PayPal.

Probably the most exciting news is that I spoke to a couple of people at Choice Humanitarian, one of which turned out to be the Director of Operations. They were extremely helpful and encouraging, and basically gave me clearance to allow anyone wanting to donate money through our organization to do so through Choice. That means that any donations given will be a tax rebate for the donors! They are also very excited to be working with us, or rather have us working with them.

Now I am busying myself trying to put together a presentation to give at Duke. I am procrastinating a bit there, since I am a little intimidated by the idea. I also have had a real hard time figuring out how to start writing an article to publish on the trip, strangely enough. Finally, I'm trying to set up the second official meeting sometime in the next week or two, as well as figure out if I have enough to talk about to actually publish a PodCast, which I was playing around with a little. Let me know if anyone would actually listen to me talking....

Anyhow, until later, keep safe.