Volunteering In Kenya, September/October 2006 |
Aaron and Jess traveled to Kenya in East Africa to volunteer in a small rural clinic. Jess stayed for three weeks; Aaron's trip was seven weeks long. Here are some of the pictures. Culled from a total of 3000 pictures, these have been further divided by individual weeks for easier viewing. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see individual Nat'l Park sections! |
Weekly Pages | |||
Week Two We spent most of this week in the bush, and saw lots of diseases and sights.
Week Three Mostly pictures from the road, in between the national parks. Pictures from the parks are below.
Week Four My first week alone, I got to know Kenya, and Mombasa, even better.
Week Five A full week of experiences--mid-way through the trip, I felt that I most belonged in Africa.
Week Six Includes pictures from a little snorkeling venture I took for a couple of days.
Week Seven My last week, a bittersweet one, where I looked forward to returning home, but bid farewell to good friends.
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