

Journey Down South Photos - April, 2008

During their monthlong vacation, Jess and Aaron also visited family in South Carolina. A yearly gathering of friends called the Pilgrims in the ghastly town of Gatlinburg, TN, yields great flower pictures. Other days in SC provide addtional photography opportunities.

Spring Morning Hike
Spring Morning Hike, TN
After camping all night in torrential rains, a clear beautiful morning is celebrated by a hike in the forest near the Little Pigeon River, in Tennessee.


Cove Forest Hike
The Cove Forest Hike, Great Smoky Mts NP, TN
The pilgrims take their annual hike in a cove forest in the GSMNP, to see the yearly abundance of beautiful wildflowers in this unique habitat.


Hike In The Rain
Hike Along Little Pigeon, TN
Even the rain couldn't stop the pilgrims from taking a traditional hike along the Little Pigeon River near The Great Smoky NP.


Clemson Controlled Burn
FIRE! Clemson Controlled Burn, SC
Timing is everything. This shoot shows a controlled burn in a patch of Clemson Forest, in SC, from the fiery start to the smouldering finish.


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