Seven Continent Trip - Argentina - January & February, 2010

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Gallery Portfolio Profile

Dummy In Window, La Boca, BA
Apartment Building, La Boca
Crazy Colors, La Boca
Beautiful Buildings, La Boca
Tango Dancers, La Boca
Making Out, La Boca

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Touring The Amazing Country Of Argentina
January 16 - February 11, 2010

Argentina turned out to be one of our favorite countries that we visited on this trip. It is an amazingly varied country, starting in Patagonia in the south and proceeding through all kinds of terrain and climate up to Puerto Igazu in the Amazonian Basin in the north. We started our journey in Argentina by arriving by bus from Puerto Natales, Chile to El Calafate, from which we ventured up to the Fitz Roy Range, near El Chalten, for a two night hiking trip. Then we headed to Rio Gallegos to catch a flight up to Buenos Aires, known locally as BA. We stayed several days in that great city before heading up to Uruguay. We reemerged from Uruguay in Corrientes, which we explored before taking a long bus up to Puerto Iguazu. There we visited the absolutely stunning Iguazu Falls before taking a 23-hr bus ride to Salta. From there we explore small, northwestern towns such as Cachi, Purmamarca, Humahuaca, and Iruya, before continuing north into Bolivia. What a place Argentina is!

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