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Back In Mombasa

This has been a very busy week.

We went back to the clinic early in the week, it was Jess's last chance to see the people there and to say her goodbyes.  We took out a lot of cleaning materials - liquid soap, bleach, towels - which we used to clean up the place a little. It made us feel good, because they have the staff to run the place, we are mostly helping out in small ways and learning a lot of tropical medicine. But this way we felt like we were contributing. We said our farewells the following day, which was very sad for Jess, as well as me, since I started thinking that my trip is nearly half over.

We also went on our safari, which was four days, three nights, and took us through three parks - Ambaseli, Tsavo West and East. It was very beautiful, there were so many changes in landscape and people and places. That was the best part, driving through so much territory we wouldn't have seen otherwise. Of course there were the animals - lions, giraffes, elephants, hyenas, warthogs, zebra, cape buffalo, wildebeasts, gazelles, impalas, lots of antelope of different species, and loads and loads of birds. It's amazing to see all of these animals in their natural habitats, we really had a great time.

We're back in Mombasa for a few days - Jess flies back to the States tomorrow, so we are just having an easy day. She's quite sad about leaving, and it makes me sad to think about leaving in 3.5 weeks. Time does fly, especially here. Mombasa is such a lively city, there are people everywhere, markets along many streets, and the whole place just moves. It is the kind of place that people come to visit and end up staying.

I'm back to the clinic for awhile after Jess leaves. Friends from the US (my host's family) arrive shortly, on my birthday, so I'll be back to Mombasa for that, and periodically from then on. I'm looking forward to being back at the clinic. After the first nervous night, it became like home, and I'm wanting to work on my Swahili, and take lots of walking tours of all the nearby villages. I'm excited about that.

So, until next time, keep safe. Be welcoming to Jess in the States, she'll be sad and missing Africa.


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