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In The Numbers

So, I've finished my first week off of orientation. For the most part, it's been fine. I haven't wiped out anyone, and there haven't been any bloopers or blunders yet. Although during all three shifts, I felt as though I were completely discombobulated and rushing around like my head was cut off, looking back it wasn't all that bad.

Probably the most difficult issues I've had to deal with was finding stuff. This might seem like a minor detail, but it's huge, really. Patient care is often the same no matter where you are; assessments, med administration, all that jazz is pretty much going to be similar regardless of the unit. However, when you can't find the most basic supplies to do the most basic procedures, it puts you back considerably in time.

Paper charting is also difficult. I'm getting the hang of it, but frequently someone comes up and points out that I've not been charting an entire section, or mischarting. Really, paper charting cuts down on the amount of charting to be done; computer charting allows much more anal charting. My hand hurts after writing a bunch of pointless, never-to-be-read nursing notes by hand, though.

The folks on my unit have been particularly helpful. I haven't felt isolated or left to myself, as I've always had people around me who are willing to assist. It's been great. I haven't met any younger people to hang out with, not that I'm really expecting to. Travelers don't often become particularly good friends with staff nurses, it seems, if only because of the short time that they will be spending on the unit. Still there are some cool people, who have offered up advice on where to go and what to do in this area.

Speaking of this area, Jess and I took our first day trip. Some friends of mine was in NYC for the week, so we went to see them. We were pretty excited to go to NYC, but it started raining as soon as we arrived. We did our best to enjoy the day, even though it was pouring until around 5 pm. We ate some excellent Indian food at a little cafe, we dunked through the rain to a few different bars and coffee shops. We sat and people-watched in Grand Central Station. Eventually, the rain stopped and we walked through Times Sqare down to Penn Station and Madison Square Gardens. I didn't manage to meet up with my friends due to complicated circumstances conspiring against that, but it was still a good trip. Even better, it only took an hour and forty-five minutes by train.

I've also gotten some fishing in. I had to go down into the New Haven ghetto (yes, it certainly exists) to find a bait shop that is open, but then I was able to fish off a small pier for free. I managed to catch a 12-inch striped bass, which is less than half the size they allow you to keep (I kept it anyhow, since it was my first fish up here; I tried to eat it, but that went badly). I should get in some more fishing later this next week.

This morning, I'll get some sleep after I get off of work, then Jess and I are touring the area around New Haven. We are planning on getting lunch at a nice place, then maybe going on a wine tour. We have most of next weekend off, so we are planning on visiting Rhode Island. That will be a great trip. Even better, we'll get our first paycheck in a month and a half on the 30th. That will be superb (it's a little tight right now).


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