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Introduction To This Blog

So, here is the introduction of this blog. My wife and I just started as travel nurses. This blog will chronicle the experiences we have, as we uproot and try something very different from the lives we'd be living. For personal reasons, at this time I will not be naming hospitals or people; I will refer to my "original" hospital, where I worked the first three years of my nursing career, as the "Big D." I will refer to the current hospital as such, and to hospitals where I've finished an assignment by names I develop after working there. This policy of self-imposed privacy could change in the future, I don't feel like dealing with it now.

As for authors, I will be the primary author. I will try to convince my wife to write as well, and will pick up other hopefully as they start out as new travel nurses. This blog is simply to describe the experience of becoming a travel nurse--its trials, tribulations, and benefits.

I hope you enjoy.


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