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A Boston Slideshow

I've made a big change to my Photography site. I'm trying out a couple of new slideshow concepts. I've added a few slideshow options to the Boston gallery, which makes viewing it much quicker. The only difference is that there isn't any background information or captions with these slideshows. However, it's easy to return to the normal view of the galleries.

Check out this version of the slideshow Boston slideshow, which has little pop-up windows and thumbnails. It doesn't go from one photo to the next, but it is easy to navigate. It does make viewing the pictures much, much quicker, even if they are a little smaller. I'm still working on it, and might change it up a little.

Also, I added a gallery through Google, over which I have little control, especially in its overall design, something I don't like. You can look at the Google Version here. Here is the full-sized Google version. Compare them and let me know which is better. Please, I'm very interested in what people think of them.

Until next time, be safe.


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