Central Park In NYC Pictures
I'm having a bit of a slow night, so I managed to get the Central Park (NYC) pictures gallery up. There are 63 pictures in the gallery. Click here to check out the photos.
I also put up a slideshow of Central Park, using the Google format. I might put up the other type if I have some time later. Let me know what you all think of this gallery as well as the slideshows.
Next week will be a photographic bonanza. I've got my schedule now through the end of the contract, so I'm suddenly finding that there is not that much time left. So, Monday we are going camping in the Catskills. Tuesday I plan on spending the afternoon in Hartford. Wednesday I'm thinking of going along the coast of Rhode Island to take a day trip in Providence, RI. Finally, I'm planning on taking a day trip to NYC on Thursday. So, lots of photos coming up, for those who care.
Until later, be safe.