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July Already?

Alas, this assignment is flying by. It is already the first of July. Crazy.

We had our CrossCountry interview for the job in Wisconsin today. That means that CrossCountry is the exclusive agency that brings in travelers to this particular hospital; travelers from other agencies might come in, but only when their companies subcontract through CrossCountry. We didn't have an interview with the managers of the units that we would be going to, but instead with the location manager at CrossCountry. That went well enough; it sounds like the hospital is very, very nice, and has a strong emphasis on good staffing methods. The reason that they are hiring travelers is because they are changing to a computerized charting system, and will be pulling off nurses to train them. That's where we step in to fill the gaps.

Problem is, there was talk again about neuro and trauma experience in this hospital. Again, this is a 400-bed hospital, and its ICUs are not as segregated as a 1000-bed hospital like the Y or the Big D. Having just been buzzed badly on the Dartmouth job, I'm a little skittish about these demands, that I have neuro experience. I'm not holding my breath; if it happens, it happens, I am not going to get all excited about it yet. Jess is getting pretty excited about the prospect, though. She wants to get on the road again. Actually, she did get a phone call from the manager of the PICU at this hospital, which turned out to be a pseudo-interview. That really got her excited about heading towards the Midwest.

I've started to come around a little about possibly living in Wisconsin. Apparently it isn't just flat and windy like I've imagined. There apparently are an abundance of lakes and hills, and lots of trees. Perhaps the fall wouldn't be as spectacular as in New England, but from what I've heard, there is a distinct changing of seasons. It also gets really cold there, probably by the start of November, so we quite possibly could be seeing snow in our three-month stint. Still, it sounds like a reasonable gig, and the hospital itself is appealing. Plus, it's very close to both Chicago and Milwaukee, and we can knock out four, even five states that I've never visited before (Ohio, W. Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and maybe even N. Dakota if we get really bored). Perhaps it will work out. Perhaps I even want it to work out.

In the meantime, another stint at the Y is still a possibility, they made a point of changing my schedule so that I have a long weekend off with Jess, sending me an email so that I'd know that they made the change. Surprising? Maybe, or maybe they want us to stay. Strangely, if we don't end up doing another contract, I might even miss this place a little, it's been good to us. New England's not going anywhere, though, we can always come back.

Until next time, be safe.


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