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A Full Year Of Traveling

Today, the 30th of March, marks our first-year anniversary of traveling. Coincidently, it is also our wedding anniversary, interestly enough. But this post is about our year of traveling.

At any rate, it has been a packed year. I tallied up the states that I have visited since March 30th. Last year at this time, I took a flight to Memphis, TN, to visit my sister. That was the first trip of the year, as by that point I had resigned from my position at the Big D. Since that trip, which also took me into Mississippi, Jess and I have visited 30 states. She has a couple more than that, actually, because she took trips to Florida and Nevada, trips that I wasn't invited on.

So, thirty states in twelve months. That seems pretty impressive to me. And, we managed to slip in a backpacking trip to China during that year period as well.

It's hard to estimate the miles that we traveled, but we did purchase a new car in May, 2008, and we already have over 21,000 miles on it. Those miles don't include the 2000+ mile Southwestern US trip we made in a rented car, or other instances where we drove other vehicles.

We managed to live in three different states this last year, not including our time here in Arizona. We survived the scary first assignment, and now, watching the approach of the end of our third assignment by the May, the idea of traveling seems much less intimidating. There is still that unsettled feeling walking into a unit you've never visited before to start working, as well as that bittersweet sensation of leaving an assignment and a location that you've grown to appreciate, and friends you've had lots of good times with over that remarkably short period of three months. But our confidence in ourselves has grown greatly in the last year.

And then there's that great traveler idea, the idea of Three Months. Anything can be tolerated for three months, that is the mantra you understand when you take a position. By the end of that period of time, you find yourself thinking, "Wow, that went by quickly," and even regretting the short span of time that you have to spend in a place. But that is the essence of traveling, that if you don't continue to move on, if you become comfortable and settle in to a place, then you've ceased to work for the sense of adventure, of newness, of challenge that brought you into this odd choice of a career in the first place.

We've seen now that traveling isn't for everyone. We've met travelers who couldn't handle the loneliness, who couldn't keep their issues at bay enough to hang onto jobs, or who just didn't like it. We have seen travelers start and travelers stop. For us, so far at least, staff positions are for the birds. If you can handle the lifestyle, then there is nothing better than the money you make doing this, or the freedom from the politics and the anchors that come with most or all of staff jobs. There's nothing like the idea that you can live anywhere in the States, and be paid to do so. It'd be hard to give up this lifestyle.

So, happy anniversary to Jess and I as travelers! Here's to hoping to continue this lifestyle until we find something better, something that makes us happier.

Until next time, be safe.


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