A Calendar For The Trip
I've put together a calendar for our trip with Google Maps. Right now it's pretty vague - a month and a half are dedicated to simply "South America Segment." Of course, this is the overall itinerary as it sits today, it will change as we move through the trip, or at least become much more detailed. I'll even post flights and those sorts of things.
This calendar will have a link in the top right-hand corner, in the Trip Links section. Clicking there will bring up a new page with the calendar, which will be kept up to date with our plans. To check out the calender, you can also click here.
The most beneficial part of doing this it that we are hoping to be joined for parts of our trip by friends. For those interested in taking a week or two and seeing something different with us, this calendar is the best possible way to keep abreast of where we are and where we plan to be in upcoming periods.
Until next time, be safe.