Ready For Departure!
The day has finally come. Tomorrow morning, we will leave for Charlotte, NC, to catch our first flight, to Lisbon, Portugal. It seemed like such a long time coming, but the day has finally arrived.
We've had a great time in South Carolina, despite the humidity we found here. Spending a year away from the Southa apparently causes you to lose any tolerance for oppressive humidity that you might have. We've had the time here to make all of our final preparations, meaning that we've purchased all the gear, probably more so, that we'll need. We've filled the pockets of our backpacks to the brim, and after I finish writing this, I'll be weighing the pack to make sure that it is less than 50 lbs total for me, which is all that I want to have to carry for the next five months.
We've also finished our business. Our car insurance is on hold. Our phones won't work after Tuesday at midnight. The accounts that will have to be maintained on the trip will be automatic. Our lives back in the States should continue to run as normal.
Now, I'm just ready to get on the road. I keep reading the Lonely Planet guides we have for our destinations, and it is terribly exciting. Everywhere we've chosen has plenty of interesting sites to visit and experiences to be had. Any one of our destinations could have been a trip on its own. So, it is a little bit of overload to know that we'll be in all of these places.
We'll try to relax and have a slow day here in SC. That will be hard, knowing that Departure Day is just tomorrow. Next time I post anything, I won't be on this continent.
Until next time, be safe.