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A Shirt Falls

Today, we mourn the loss of a faithful comrade on this journey of ours. Despite, and likely because of, five months of frequent use, a shirt of Jess´s has become a casualty of its own light material, which made it comfortable, and its versatility. This shirt has reached a point that regardless of the fact that most probably already view Jess and I as hobos, it cannot continue to be a part of our wardrobe.

It leaves behind three other shirts, two pairs of underwear, and two pairs of pants, a clothing list that mirrors that of Aaron. It is the first article of clothing to succumb to the rigors of the trip, though one of Aaron´s pairs of skivvies was stolen in Europe, and an ill-fitting Northface shirt was replaced by a BeerLao shirt purchased in Bangkok, which despite its poor quality has stood up remarkably well. 

R.I.P, noble shirt.

Until next time, be safe.



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I was wondering what happened to this pretty shirt. Now I no longer have to wonder, but will do a little mourning over here in NC for the lovely, feminine blue blouse.

p.s. I see it has been replaced by a lovelier and even more feminine halter dress. Very nice.

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