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Pictures From North Argentina

I finally managed to get up some pictures from the northern villages of Argentina that we visited: Cachi, Purmamarca, Humahuaca, and Iruya.

Mountains Over Cachi

Cachi Graveyard

Colorful Gravesite, Cachi

Gate To Cachi Graveyard

Sunset Over Cachi

Jess In Cachi

Chapel En Route From Cachi

Valley Leaving Cachi

Valley On Road From Cachi

Jess & Aaron, Purmamarca

Gully Outside Purmamarca

Ranch On Rock, Purmamarca

Street In Purmamarca

Adobe Building, Purmamarca

Colored Hills Above Purmamarca

Red Ridge Above Purmamarca

Near Market, Humahuaca

Stalls Near Church, Humahuaca

Adobe Chapel & Jess, Humahuaca

Chapel Tower, Humahuaca

Adobe Homes En Route To Iruya

Village Of Iruya

Basic Adobe Homes Near Iruya

Red Hill, Iruya

Heavily Eroded Hills, Iruya

Another View Of Iruya

Burro Overlooking Iruya

Craziest Goat In Iruya

Folks Walking In Iruya

Changing Tire Returning From Iruya

Until next time, be safe.



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