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Final Weekend In Kenya

Today I am heading back to Kokotoni for my last visit there. I will spend the weekend there, then depending on which day I can arrange a ride back to town with all of my stuff, I will come back Sunday or Monday. Kokotoni has been good for me, and it’s easy to imagine coming back next year or the year after, and bringing a group of people with me.


I imagine starting a sort of medical mission tour, bringing groups of nurses and doctors here to run small clinics and provide a small service to this impoverished area. Throughout my time here, I’ve had in the back of my head that I am really on a test run here, checking out the possibilities for a future group. Perhaps this trip has been to search out the medical part of the trip, finding a community in need as well as the facilities to host a medical clinic. Of course, I’m always looking for a good time as well, so I can imagine setting up little side trips to game parks, tours through Mombasa or villages, and things like snorkeling. The thing about Kenya is that there is this tremendous amount of potential here, with a huge population looking for work, and because this is such a beautiful and richly diverse nation. This country is like the US squeezed into a tenth of its size. It has beaches, deserts, mountains, forests. Besides that, it has something like 46 tribes, most of which have their own languages and customs. Try to argue that this nation is not as diverse of a landscape as the US.


So, maybe is has just been a pleasant daydream here, but I’ve enjoyed imagining bringing groups over for two weeks at a time. I could be here the whole time, coming early to scope out possibilities and set up arrangements, and meeting the groups as they arrive in the airport. The clear benefit for myself is that I could spend five weeks in-country, if there were two groups coming. Of course, I could play the dedicated worked, but honestly this is what I love doing, traveling into places like Kenya, so despite the work that I do, this is still very fun for me.


There is a lot of planning and designing to do, but I’ve got a foothold here now. I’ve got contacts, and I’ve got ideas. Those are the foundation to a good plan and a sweet time.


Until then, keep safe.


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